Showing posts with label diy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diy. Show all posts


The EveryGirl shares eleven excuses to stop making in 2014.

Ann-Marie explains how she creates a fade effect on her photos using Photoshop. / I've always been curious on how to give my photos this tone, so this simple tutorial was so helpful.

Fun way to decorate utensils with washi tape

My sweet blogger-friend Amy started this amazing movement empowering women all over to believe in their loveliness. 

Kelly Purkey always manages to find the most BEAUTIFUL coffee shops out there. I developed a deep crush for this one

A recipe for a mint mocha shake - so making this one tomorrow


Friday, September 20, 2013

  • buying fresh fruit from the store and making smoothies 
  • first small group bible study of the year — 2 Timothy 1:1-7 "Fan Your Heart into Flame
  • currently reading, "Life of the Beloved" by Henri J.M. Nouwen
  • putting on a cardigan for fall weather
  • finishing an entire box of Krave cereal
  • receiving the most versatile blogger award
  • dressing up for church
  • date night with one of my WAC girls: the night included cooking, good talks, and prayer
  • listening to Jack Johnson's new album



Thursday, August 8, 2013

If you're following me on Instagram, then you know that I recently spent a portion of my evening rummaging through a heap of scrapbooking supplies, trying to make some order in that mess. (Order, order, we must have order!)

And boy, was it a mess... Strings were all intertwined with each other and little scraps of paper got caught in the web. Old tape had somehow stuck to EVERYTHING forcing me to discard many unused sheets of card stock and fresh photos. Saaaad beeeeans.

Two episodes of "White Collar" later (My favorite Netflix show at the moment), you could finally see the floor of the room. (#littlewins!) I found an empty storage box that wasn't being used and kind of neatly/messily threw it all in there.

During the untangling and unsticking, I came across an old minibook that I had started my sophomore year! That was the year I first discovered diy-extraordinaire, ELISE BLAHA, and her collection of minibooks. I made my own, kind of stopped, never binded it, and left it alone... (Fun fact: I am AWFUL at finishing things I start. Probably the biggest lie I tell during job interviews.)

Thought I'd share what they look like.

And there you have it. :) This one was themed something along the lines of "firsts" via instagram photos.

Do you have any minibooks/scrapbooks/project life albums? Or do you have any advice on finishing crafts that you start?


In the spirit of Christmas...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I made holiday cards.

But wait — there's more! I decided to share my handmade holiday cards to whomever would like to receive one! THAT MEANS YOU! (For free, of course. I would never charge for these cards — I know they're not etsy-worthy, but I do know it's always fun to receive free goodies in the mail.)

So, thank you to those who find time in their busy lives to read my word vomit that is this blog. This is my 'thank you' in its sincerest form.

The cards shown have already been handed out, but if you like what you see — or like something else entirely — let me know, and I'll do my best!

If interested in receiving a holiday card, please follow these easy-peasy steps (open to all strangers, friends, and frenemies):
1. If you are not already, subscribe to my blog. Again, this is more or less a 'thank you' to them.
2. Email me with your name, address, and card idea.
3. I will handcraft your card with love + ship it to your doorstep.
4. Once you receive your letter, take a photo with it! I'd love to hear/see your responses.

* If you respond after the 22nd, I will most likely NOT have your card ready by the 25th. If that doesn't bother you, then I will gladly still make one!

Let the holiday festivities begin!

What are you doing in the holiday spirit?


Around Here: How I Spent my Weekend

Sunday, September 2, 2012

  • Stalking Pinterest looking for cute DIY's.

  • Burning myself with a glue gun copying the DIY's.

  • Making these bad boys:ImageImage

  • Self-electing myself as the new DIY queen.

  • Watching "Breaking Bad." | I JUST started watching this show two days ago with the BF and we are ALREADY half way through Season 2. That show is too addicting.

  • Imitating "Very Mary Kate." | Don't know what I'm talking about? Check this channel out. You're welcome.

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