Monday, April 14, 2014

The best part of buying homemade goods is the packaging. There's so much thought and personalization behind it, and I really wanted to be intentional about my own packaging as I printed and shipped my first order, today. I knew I wanted to include kraft paper, a handwritten thank you note, and a Japan prayer card within each envelope — and I had to force myself to stop there. I was tempted to purchase customized stamps, stickers, and paper tissue to dress up the packaging, but it all costed a pretty penny. The Target dollar section is a goldmine when you don't want to spend too much. :)

Here is a peek into my workspace:

I'm sorry all of my posts have been on my Etsy shop lately — it seems like that has been the one thing consuming my mind. I'll try to lay off a bit and write more life lately and faith posts, especially with it being passion week and all. :) Thank you for holding tight and I hope you are having a lovely passion week thus far! 

Don't forget to like Coffee & Honeycomb on Facebook! :)


  1. Love this! So glad you are enjoying your shop- and making it effort to make all parts of it beautiful! :)

  2. Such cute packaging!

    x leah symonne x

  3. I love what you have done!!! It is beautiful!

  4. girl you are making it happen, and it is happening in such a lovely, classy, timeless way! I LOVE your packaging!


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