Showing posts with label adobe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adobe. Show all posts


Thursday, September 12, 2013

I know you haven't seen one of these in awhile. Once school started, it became a little bit more difficult to find time to just sit and design something. And then just a week ago, my Adobe trial expired leaving me unable to even create something once I did find the time. I think I am just going to give in and buy the whole suite while I can use my student discount. Til then, downloads may be few and far between...

However! I do have a treat for you today. :) Over the summer, I created two iPhone wallpapers for myself and a friend, and I am happy to share them with you as well. My friend had a genius idea of placing bible verses on her iphone background because she wanted to be intentional about memorizing them. I loved the idea of having truth so accessible to you, so I whipped up wallpapers using her favorite verses and colors.

Your phone background is something you glance at so frequently — to check the time, answer texts/phone calls, or skim your Twitter feed. Since it's a place your eyes frequently wander, it's the perfect place for a bible verse! It's a subtle (and cute) reminder to meditate on the word day and night.

Download instructions are super easy. Just "save image" from your computer or directly from your phone. Then, save it as your wallpaper. Enjoy!
Hope you enjoy! Find more designs here

Illustrator 101: Chevron

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Illustrator 101: Chevron

I am a design [noob]. However, I'd like to change that! (: Today was step one.

Like the chevron? I learned how through this quick and simple tutorial. If you click on the photo, it will take you directly to the link where I learned how. You should definitely try it, I promise it's dummy-proof.

And the gradient? That was all me. ;) Once I covered my artboard with the chevron pattern, I changed the opacity of lines in pairs, starting from 50% all the way to 100%. (So, all lines are the same color, the top two lines are just of it as 50% opacity, and the bottom lines are the true colors, 100%).

Depending on your pattern and design, this will change, but it's the same idea. Then I pasted some text on it to tell a narrative. This is my simple and lazy way to begin documenting my beginner design story... And I'd love to hear yours, too!

Are you an Adobe user? Whether it be a beginner or pro, I'd love to check our your work, too. Share below! :)

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