Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Saturday mornings are my favorite. I wake up a little late, mosey on over to the kitchen, make myself some coffee + breakfast (or let's be real, microwaved leftovers from the week), catch up on my tv shows, get through my list of errands, and start my day. All of my morning relaxation and productivity then carries through the rest of the day. It's glorious.

Just writing that paragraph gives me feelings.
If you want to feel along, check this out. It is what morning dreams are made of.

Recently I asked myself, man, how can I have this every day? Well, after much deeper analysis and soul searching (aka common sense) into this particular dilemma, I came to the profound realization. I can have my Saturday morning EVERY MORNING - with the right adjustments to my night and morning routine, of course. And that is what I want to share with you, friends, today.


To be honest, my friends and family would probably laugh at the fact that I'm writing a post on this topic because if you know me, I am NOT a morning person. In fact, I am the antonym of a morning person. I press the snooze button multiple times, leave my house 10 minutes later than I should, and probably shouldn't have human interaction until there is a coffee in my hand.

However, now knowing how NOT a morning person I am, then you know that if these tricks work for me, they WILL work for the normal, non-lazy human - YOU. Now, let's roll.

Coffee & Honeycomb

In the past when I set my alarm, I gave myself the smallest amount of time needed to get ready and get to work/school/an appointment/etc. This meant that my entire morning was solely to get somewhere else, it was an errand. You can imagine I dreaded my mornings. However, I realized that mornings are more than a time to rush and get out the door. It's more than getting ready to go somewhere else. Use your morning to pamper yourself, read a book, exercise, make a good breakfast, and watch how it dramatically changes the rest of your day.

This was one lesson my mom repeatedly told me growing up: plan, plan, plan. The less decisions you need to make in the morning, the more time and brain power you can spend on something more meaningful. So, plan out your outfit, your hair, your makeup, your breakfast, your purse/bag, all the way down to the shoes you're going to wear. I know that sounds TEDIOUS, but those little decisions that each take 3-5 minutes do add up and can stress you out when you're in a groggy mindset.

One thing I love about my Saturday morning is that I can move as slow as I want and yet I still feel so productive. I make my bed, throw some clothes in the laundry, clear out my dish washer, yet it all feels so peaceful because there's no rush to get somewhere else. I've started implementing this tactic during the week. I turn on music, I drink my coffee slowly, and I try to complete one errand before I go out the door. Knowing that I have one less thing to do when I come home makes me feel so accomplished before the day has even started.

Meditating and grounding yourself is so important at the start of your day. I like to give myself 15 minutes to pray and read my bible - to remember that this is the day that the Lord has made, I will be glad and rejoice in it. The day then suddenly becomes one big wonderful opportunity that is mine to seize! If you need recommendations on where to start, I enjoy following the reading plan on IF:Equip. Check it out and let me know what you think. 

And there you have it. Having a good morning can really jumpstart the rest of your day and add an extra skip to your step. 

Are you ready to have the best morning of your life? Do you have any morning routines you would recommend? Please share below.


  1. I am so not a morning person. But these are great tips. I have two kids who are early risers and sometimes wake up during the night...still! But I'm trying to wake up just a little earlier than them to get my day going, even if it's just ten minutes. It makes a difference.

    1. I have so much respect for you for trying to maintain a morning routine while taking care two kiddos!!! I can barely get myself up and ready in the AM - I can't imagine being responsible for others as well, so I'm so flattered that you found some of my tips helpful even tho I'm not necessarily a mother... Thanks for stopping by! (: And yes I totally agree. Ten minutes makes a HUGE difference!!!

  2. This is a great list! Love that you emphasize how these things actually make mornings enjoyable (gasp! how can this be?!) You're totally right though! Waking up for an errand (work) makes it so hard.... but taking more time makes a huge difference. Sunday mornings used to be horrible for me. I would wake up FOR church and end up being really crabby. Now, I wake up in enough time that I can read and slowly drink my coffee and now Sundays rock. Thanks for sharing all these tips! :)

    1. LOLLLL I love your gasp, and yes I totally relate. I used to always read articles about how the most successful people all have one thing in common which is that they are morning people, my only response would be -_-. LOL but i'm trying to get there! Baby steps. :)

      I'm so glad to hear that your Sundays are so much better! Coffee has magic powers, I swear. ;)

  3. absolutely ON POINT list.
    do not wake up for work, wake up for something yo uwant to do (making delicious breakfast or coffee, or quiet time!)

    1. Yessss. :) I'm trying to make it a habit of eating breakfast in the morning, and I think it's helping a lot! :)

  4. I work at a coffee shop so my mornings start EARLY but I do try to make things easier by getting all of my gear and meals ready the night before.

    1. OMG. I used to work at a coffee shop in college and I miss that so much! (Definitely not the waking up that early part tho hehe.) But I was always shocked how other customers were so bright and cheerful that early in the AM - their energy was contagious! But I totally agree, getting your gear the night before is so helpful. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Thank you so much for giving us these useful tips to have our morning best. I am early riser and wakes up very early in morning. Actually I am an event planner and for me my work is very important that’s why I wake up early and I also provide great deals to my clients those want who to book party venues Houston TX.

  6. Loved this article! I work from home + homeschool our kids and the days where I plan well enough to have leisurely mornings are by-far the most enjoyable and productive days.


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