Friday, June 19, 2015

Jon Stewart's monologue on the church shooting in Charleston became viral recently, tugging on audiences' heart strings and forcing Americans to re-evaluate the language and behavior construed around crime, tragedy, racism, and terrorism. His monologue was eye-opening and striking — especially his honest admission that as a comedian he couldn't muster up comedy surrounding this particular event frankly because it's happening so frequently. He mentioned that he is appalled that while we (Americans) recognize the frequency and severity of such hate crimes happening in our own backyards, little action is taken.

I usually don't talk about current events here, not because I don't find them important, but because Coffee & Honeycomb isn't the appropriate place to talk about it... But with all of this happening, urgency is stirring in me and silence doesn't seem like it's the answer. I don't have much to say or to offer... but to be open, aware, and prayerful. #prayforcharleston

1 comment :

  1. thank you for your prayers!
    the Lord is moving in Charleston something fierce - it's truly beautiful to watch.
    I know that the world isn't seeing what we are seeing locally!
    Just know we are feeling and seeing your prayers come to fruition!


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