profound findings on a saturday afternoon

Saturday, June 15, 2013

So every once in awhile i'll glance at my "site stats" which tells me all this information about how much traffic my site is generating, which posts generate more or less, which sites people came from and which sites they leave to. And also what they typed in a search engine to land here.

It just amazes me because every single day, WITH OUT FAIL, there is always at least one person searching for the "pantene hair commercial girl" — or some variation of those key words. And then that search leads them to my blog; well, specifically that one post that one time when i complained about balding.... yeah.


I don't know what's weirder, that every single day someone in this world is looking for the pantene hair commercial girl, or that they always find it on my blog! So one day I found this to be SO curious that I decided to google search those keywords. You know what, my blog doesn't show up in the top five hits — it's not even on the first page!

i don't get it and i don't know what to say.

but i guess i'll say this: you're welcome. you're welcome, you daily anonymous viewers, in search for that pantene hair commercial model. You're welcome for being that invaluable resource to you. I hope you found what you were looking for.

to read that post, click here. (or i guess you can just google search pantene hair commercial.)

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